30 March, 2015

TinyTea Teatox

Being a girl who loves to read a million blogs about all the latest 'must haves', reviews of products tend to be my fave type of post. When starting back at uni I bought myself the YourTea - TinyTea Teatox, which was all the craze in the blogging world. Having read numerous reviews I thought to myself lets give this a try, and decided to note down my journey to see the changes.

This post is a simple review of how it went for me in comparison to what I had read previous, so bare with me guy as this is my first ever product review!

I have never liked hot drinks. Not because of the taste, but I just for some reason have never been keen on the hot part of it. Deciding to try the teatox was therefore a big choice for me as I was pretty sure I wouldn't like it, but after seeing all the bloggers raving about it, I thought just give it a go.... This led to me buying the 28 day TinyTea Teatox at a reasonable £31.00. With the benefits including assistance with weight loss, bloating and problematic skin I was definitely on board, hoping that it would work. The packaging is so cute, with a handy little booklet of all the teas that they do and pretty pink packets which I loved, and encouraged me to actually do the teatox properly, however silly that sounds!

Day 1-7
As said previously, not being a hot drinker made remembering to make the tea very hard, and then also remembering to drink it haha. You take the tea 3 times a day; half an hour before or after each meal, which by day 7 I had finally caught the hang of! My first week didn't really show many changes, I guess I felt a little more awake but nothing really noticeable, and for this reason I would definitely buy the 28 day package instead of the 14.

Day 8-14
This week I found that I looked forward to having my cup of tea, which I have to say is much much nicer than some green teas I have tried since. The flavour is lovely, and I found that I didn't really have an issue with it being hot, a small miracle! It does take FOREVER to cool down though, like a good 15 minutes, which often meant when in a hurry I burnt my mouth off. I wish someone had of told me this beforehand so I had a little warning. Although I stupidly didn't take before and after photos I did notice that my bloating had started to reduce. I wouldn't say I had lost weight, not at this point anyway, but I felt much better after eating a big meal and the bloating wasn't so noticeable as before. I loved that, as bloating has always been a big issue for me so it was nice to know that there was a way of reducing this.

Day 15-21
I found that this week was very similar to the previous. The bloating was still at a minimum, but still no weight loss, although this is just an added benefit and not everyone loses weight from it. I was much more awake during the day and often foregoing my daytime nap ritual, which gave me the energy I needed to do my uni work and all the other studenty things I did with friends. 

Day 22+
I was very disappointed to see the week come to an end. I loved the tea for its flavour and benefits, although losing a few pounds would've been a nice addition! I feel much more healthier in myself, I do believe my skin has cleared slightly which is always good, and it definitely helped with bloating problems.

I would definitely recommend the TinyTea teatox to those who are interested as the overall health benefits were noticeable, if only to myself. I would also 100% purchase this again, which I will do before summer as it was a nice and easy cleanse to keep up with. The numerous reviews out there that mirror mine are also something to go by... TRY IT OUT.

Hannah x

02 March, 2015

Fifty Shades of Grey!

After the craziness that was valentines weekend, I decided it was necessary to see the film Fifty Shades of Grey.

Now firstly having read the books I didn't hold much hope for the film. Honestly, I thought they were so poorly written with all the repetitiveness and just generally a bit of a let down I couldn't see the film bringing much more (other than a hot Dornan!). As well as this I had seen so many mixed reviews that it didn't really shift my initial opinion, but nevertheless it was a must see... being film of the year and all that. 

Safe to say I was pleasantly surprised. I like everyone else thought it was going to be some weird kind of porno but it didn't feel that way at all. Yes there were certain parts that were totally cringeworthy and also some slightly awkward to watch, but I was more surprised by the rest of the film and god forbid the actual storyline! I liked it. I Liked it enough to be furious with the cliffhanger ending. I liked it enough to also read the books again. I felt the acting could've been a little better as they (her) had a slight awkward tension that made me feel a bit awkward watching it but overall I really didn't think it was that bad.

I left feeling like I wanted my own rich businessman to turn up and buy me a Macbook, an Audi and to fly me places on a helicopter. Lucky for some ay?! For me the film had just the right amount of sex to storyline ratio which the books didn't have and I will definitely be going to see the next one! Also it had a killer soundtrack which always helps!
