07 February, 2016

How I Stay Organised

One thing that I have definitely learnt this year is that organisation is key to pretty much anything in life. Having a full time job, blogging, visiting my boyfriend across the country and a million other things make it really easy to get myself in a complete muddle! It was because of this that I decided that there was a few simple steps I could make to change my pretty packed life into a more easy stress free (well not completely) style. I have seen these types of posts before and thought that I would share with you guys my life hacks for staying organised.

I bought a diary. As you can see in the pretty picture above I got myself a diary/journal. I actually got bought this for christmas (Similar here) from my mum as I completely fell in love with it on one of our shopping trips. I love the reptile finish and of course the fact that its pink, but mostly it was just really simple layout inside that didn't scare me too much. I now have a list at the back under the notes section of all my blog ideas etc, and just fill the days in as I would a normal diary with all my work, blogging and other commitments. It's a great way to stay on top of things and knowing what your doing in advance.

Plan ahead. Now this kind of ties in with the diary, but I've pretty much planned a month in advance all the things Im going to be doing with friends and family, work, and blog posts. This doesn't mean they always happen but its good to know what is coming up, especially if your like me and like to keep on top of your finances too.

Set schedules. I like to set times to accomplish the things I want to do both daily and weekly. For example my work day is usually around 9-5 so I will make sure that I come home and do a work out consistently at 6pm everyday, that way I don't often miss it except when I'm being really lazy or had a tough day. Then I either sit and watch some netflix (PLL on tuesdays is a must!) and blog for a bit before bed. I find that if I schedule my time throughout the day then it makes it a lot easier to keep on track, this brings me to my next point...

Do one thing at a time. More often than not Im at work panicking about how much I had to do at the weekend and then when it rolls around I'm all over the show trying to get everything done at once. It never works - not for me anyways. Following my schedule and taking it easy has definitely improved my ability to focus on one thing and do it properly.

I thought I would just mention this amazing article I stumbled upon before christmas by Womens Day. The organisation tips here are a lot more precise than my own ones so it is definitely worth a skim read. Some of the ideas are great, especially for mums etc. How do you stay organised? Let me know your links!


  1. Planning is a definite one I think! If I have no clue what I'm going to post about I'm always less inclined to start lol x

    Cleaning your teeth and braces for a brighter smile over on -
