05 November, 2015

Wish List - High Neck Jumpers!

I feel as though I haven't done a wish list post in forever! With it coming up to christmas too I thought now would be the perfect time for an autumnal/wintery wish list of my favourite thing - a cosy knit! I have been crazing over the high neck trend this autumn, and often find that I am just automatically drawn to clothes with the turtle and polo necks. So it was no surprise that when putting together this wish list I noticed that the majority if not all can be classed as high necks, leading to a title change from just normal knitted jumpers! I have put together a little selection from high street stores, and chosen ones that I think are affordable and of good quality, as thats what I think is most important.

03 November, 2015

Advice Tuesday! - 25 Tips for University Students

I cannot believe that it has been a whole month since my last advice post on dealing with long distance relationships (here), it has come around so quickly that its feels like October hasn't even really happened. I thought this month I would focus on the famous topic of.... University, as I don't want every month to be so 'deep' and lengthy! Plus I know many of you have started university this year or have recently gone back, and whilst the end seems so far away it really does go in the blink of an eye and therefore I want to share with you my tips on how not to worry and make it the best it can be!

01 November, 2015

The Autumn Tag

There is a few things I just love about sundays. Firstly, I enjoy doing nothing! Nothing is better than a chilled sunday in your Pj's catching up with youtube, reading blogs, and eating everything in sight (in my case anyways!). I also love that it means it's time for the twitter #bbloggers chat, which I am new too but have really enjoyed partaking in and meeting such a fabulous bunch of people. That brings me to this post - The Autumn Tag, which I saw on Bows & Buttons blog that I was introduced to last sunday during the chat, and have really enjoyed reading. With it being sunday I also thought this was the perfect type of blog post for a lazy day!