I have put together a list of all the things I wish I could have read beforehand, and even though I was told some of them I really do wish I had listened and took note of them more. University can be scary and intimidating but it can also be amazing and its down to you to make the most of it! I hope that this list helps at least one person; more if possible, to simply have the time of their life and enjoy every second of it (whilst it lasts!!).
1. Talk to people - Even a simple hello can start off a new friendship.
2. Socialise with as many people as possible - Flat mates, Course mates, mates mates...
3. Be yourself and have your own opinions - People will learn to love them and respect you more.
4. Work hard! It is what your there for at the end of the day.
5. Plan your work so that you don't miss out on the fun!
6. Join a society! I so so wish I had done this for so many reasons.
7. Stay in touch with people from home. You might have all these new friends but your ones back home are still just as important if not more so!
8. Lay in bed all day (not everyday though)! I miss the days I just chilled out, I completely took them for granted!
9. Do your uni reading! Whilst you can get by without doing it, I deffinitely achieved better marks when I did read up.
10. Don't eat rubbish! It really is easy to eat pretty healthily on a tight budget. Your skin and health will thank you for it!
11. Listen to your tutors and don't be afraid to ask for help even if it seems pointless - its not.
12. Help one another, your weakness is someone else's strength and vice versa.
13. Even if you don't drink go on nights out! They made some of the best memories and I didn't always drink!
14. Be wise with your money - make packed lunches, by in bulk etc.
15. Choose carefully who you live with and don't be put off by staying in Halls for more than first year.
16. Grab all opportunities as they're there to help - Volunteering, work experience, societies etc
17. Don't always be the overly drunk one! It will annoy people more than you think.
18. Be kind. People will be more willing to help you when you need it!
19. Clean!!! Don't be the messy friend!
20. Apply for jobs in your final year! It may be stressful but you won't regret it.
21. Visit home when you can but not too much! I remember knowing people who always went home and they're experience wasn't as much fun and they didn't make as many friends
22. But lots of pyjamas - you will live in them!
23. Call you parents! Not only will they love to know your safe and having a good time, its nice to be able to have a little bit of home.
24. Take as many photos to document your memories. I wish I had taken more
25. Most importantly make the most of every second!! Laugh like crazy and enjoy even the bad moments as you will definitely miss them!
This post is very light hearted, and I do appreciate that these tips won't work for everyone! These are just what I wish I had known previous, as well as what university has taught me so I hope it gives someone a little help/reminder!
I love to talk about my university experience so feel free to ask any questions or add and more tips of your own in the comments!
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