I have decided to start a monthly advice post, as whilst I may not be the best person out there to do
so and definitely don't have the worst problems I feel that there are some things that you guys might relate too! So, that being said on the first tuesday of every month a little bit of loving advice will be coming you way! To begin I thought I would go with something very close to my heart and something that I truly hate having to go through.... Long Distance Relationships.
Firstly I would like to point out that I am very fortunate to at least be in a relationship where e both live in the same country, just a few trains away rather than planes! I cannot imagine what it must be like knowing that you can't just plan the odd weekend here and there together without having to dish out the hundreds of pounds for flights etc. I do still believe that if this was the case for me, the following little tips I have put together I would still follow as they definitely help me stay sane (although I do go a little psycho at times, which girl doesn't!).
1. Make sure you are on the same page and talk!
Vital. Absolutely vital. If your more into the relationship than he is or vice versa problems will start to show inevitably. Me and my boyfriend had to do our last years of university apart with mine being first and then his being currently, and we have made sure that we both know how we are feeling and where we stand. You need to have that trust that is equal, and this takes some time to build, and even then Its still ok to cave sometimes and feel a bit paranoid about things because thats just what girls do and thats fine, along as when it all comes down to it your both exactly where you want to be in the relationship and have discussed this with one another.
2. Make use of your freedom!
This is one of the most important things I tell people when they ask how I do it. Go see friends, visit family, make the most of the days apart doing the things you enjoy yourself so that when your together your both happy doing the things you enjoy together. I like to keep myself busy as then I don't dwell on the fact I haven't lived with my boyfriend for over two years, and it does make things a lot easier. I enjoy telling him the things that Ive done in my day and love listening to his day too, and it also makes the time fly by before next seeing each other!
3. Plan what to do for when you next see other
I personally love to do this as I am a bit of a planner but it also makes the whole trip even more exciting. It gets you both talking about doings things that you both enjoy which in turn reminds you of those things you have in common and how you love to do different things with each other. Don't necessarily plan every single day to a tee but just talk about things you want to do, and then it makes it all more special when you actually get to meet and do them together and make those memories that you had been waiting for.
4. Send cute gifts
Sending each other gifts or even waiting until you see them and giving it to them in person can mean so much more when you won't be seeing them for a while. The sentimental value of everything I have received from my boyfriend the last couple of years has tripled because I don't take it for granted and it then holds value. They haven't got to be expensive, maybe a photo in a frame or a keyring or something, but it will always remind them of you and thats the most important thing.
5. Call and Message each other but fonts over do it!
Sometimes I send my boyfriend 5 messages before he responds (told you I was a little psycho) and that can get too much, and become annoying so its best to tune it down. Maybe have a set time each day when you can ring and talk for a bit, or just casually message through out the day, this way your both on each others minds but your not overdoing it and forcing the relationship. Video calling is my personal favourite as seeing them makes me feel a lot better and like I have actually had a real conversation with someone who's not on the other side of the country!
6. Lastly... Always say good night and good morning.
This is always been a big thing to me and I always make sure that I do it, simply because I want them to know that I think of them everyday and every night. It doesn't take much in this world to grab your phone and right a quick text or whatsapp just to say good morning. It instantly makes you feel better when your on the receiving end and if I can make another person feel like that then I will. It hasn't always got to be about whose sending it first, I just always make sure it has been said. Instant game changer right there, and such a positivity enhancer when they are so far away.
If its true love nothing can stop you!even LDR, when we were in LDR we had a rought time, but we made thanks to articles like this one, so thank you for helping people, there is also a similar one
ReplyDeletehttps://kovla.com/blog/10-secrets-to-make-long-distance-relationship-work/ here, 10 secrets about LDR!enjoy